Corroded Colors

10:11 AM
For the first time in the past 6 long years I was sitting like a doofus in front of a LCD screen on the beautiful day of HOLI. The only colors I saw were the blue/green forms of Remedy. Ohh yeah I must not forget to mention the few animated emails (forwards), which I received, in eastman color ( 32 bit ). The occasional gtalk chat popups , which said Happy Holi , remimded me time and again that I am alive but the effect seemed to wear off gradually.

I truly believe that eventually I will cease to acknowledge all such magnificent days which I look forward to. I unwillingly and hatefully expect all such beautiful days , henceforth , to be splattered with corroded colors.

Anyways, I hope u guys had a geat time and enjoyed your day.
Happy Holi people !!
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